Cities for a small planet

..................................................................... working with nature

a major extension of the public realm created by suspending the three giant halls in order to give the entire street level over to public use...halls suspended like ships in dry dock...

Espais d'altres mons

el meravellós món dels espais públics, semipúblics, oberts, coberts, semioberts, transpirables, ombrívols, frescos, lluminosos.... intentant immaginar ambients de vida, bona vida

Roman + Hellenistic + Muslim



semi-sedentary settlement in the Atlas mountains
by Stefano Bianca "Urban form in the arab world"

...a typical narrow street in old Jaddah, encourages face-to-face affiliation between pedestrians
by Hisham Mortada "Traditional islamic principles of built environment"


which one is mine?

LUZ is missing

hay que dirigir la luz *

how long is NOW ?

me pido buenas vistas y aire fresco...NOW

somni .·: