
"el punt B pot trobar-se 1500 km més enllà, a la plaça del Vaticà per exemple"

B .

to B or not to B: that is the question.

Does a bridge leads always somewhere?
If it starts in point A, what is point B?
What is considered a point and what not?
Is a point a Destination?
Is it a building?
Looking for point B and its meaning.

En la geometría del espacio un plano lo podemos definir de cuatro formas diferentes:

a) Mediante dos rectas que se cortan.

b) Mediante tres puntos no alineados.

c) Mediante una recta y un punto que no se pertenezcan.

Sobre la definición de plano.

details & germs

"...Many of the studios ... were organized to design a germ of fitting- to turn the studio upside down and run it backwards. So studios did not move from master plan to detail, but rather began with detail and moved to multiple scenarios for the propagation of the detail. If it had been drama school, it would have been not a master class in the recitation of Hamlet's soliloquy, but rather a class in building reactive skills necessary for improvisation." K.Easterling

step by step



"és fent qui sap què, que un esdevé qui sap qui"
però alguna cosa haurem de fer, oi?